About the Journal
The Editorial Office of the Journal is located in Midnapure Town (F-4, Bidhan Nagar, Dist & P.O. – Midnapore, West Bengal, Pin – 721101). For communications and record keeping pertaining to the publication and distribution of Journal the address of the Editor concerned shall be used as the postal and email address specifically to be printed in the journal itself.
Prologue In conformity with the stated objectives of the Vidyasagar Centre for Social Sciences, Midnapore, the First Executive Committee of the Centr e decided to bringing out a Journal of the Centre entitled Samaj Jijnasa without delay and entrusted the responsibilities to the Secretary and the joint Secretaries of the centre for its publications periodically. Prof. Anil Kumar Jana, Founder Secretary of the Centre, was designated the Editor of the journal. Prof. Sankar Majumdar and Prof. Debnarayan Modak, both joint Secretaries, came forward with their unending enthusiasm to materialise the initiative. Eventually the first issue of the journal was brought out on 23 February 1997 at a function presided over by professor Amiya Kumar Deb, Vice-Chancellor of Vidyasagar University and Ex- officio President of the Centre. Since then attempts are made for publication of the journal annually. But the periodicity in publication could not be maintained subsequently in view of involvement and engagement of the Centre in ‘Total Literacy and Post Literacy Programme’ launched in the district. There had been inordinate delays in timely publication of the journal for sometimes, though continuity was maintained. The Tenth Volume of the journal has been published, though not exactly one volume in a year. Financial constraints, want of logistic support coupled with non-availability of sufficient number of standard articles in Bengali hindered the process of publication on time. To some extent now the problems are overcome and continuity is restored with occasional delays. Some interested persons have come forward in the meantime to help the process of timely publication. However, the sequence is being maintained all along. It has also been decided to convert the Journal into a bilingual (Bengali & English) one to continue its regular publications involving papers in both Bengali and English. It is expected that the Journal will itself be able to establish its distinctive identity as a bilingual journal of social sciences to cater to the needs of teachers, students and scholars with the passage of time.

Creation of an educational and academic environment that allows students, scholars and teachers to develop their intellectual and professional faculties to foster a strong sense of social accountability and ethical values.
Development of a group of dynamic and committed scholars and professionals who could lead a sustainable intellectual environment and further strengthening the quality network with established educationists and academic contributors.
- Encouragement and undertaking of publications of articles – Papers (Original and research oriented) in the fields of social sciences covering social, political, economic, sociological and other aspects of human life and activities ;
- Publication of evaluative studies, schemes and projects carried out by teachers, students, researchers, social workers and other interested persons;
- Identification and development of an emerging forum of contributors, readers, writers and social analysts to strengthen the process of building a knowledge society;
- Facilitation of studies of Global, Regional and Local issues and problems, and publications thereof in Regional languages in both Bengali and English;
- Encouragement and cultivation of creative faculties in the young scholars, students and investigators with a view to freeing them from all dogmatic myths and beliefs.
- Creation of an atmosphere in which ideas can be expressed, exchanged and debated in the process of determining the needs and priorities of the society in general and academic community in particular so as to heighten the process of developing a society – more rational, democratic and humane.
- To work with a spirit of responsibility, honesty, integrity, expertise and collaboration.
- To think with quality, efficiency, transparency, flexibility and openness.
- To cultivate a comprehenssive understanding of global educational development and its application in the context of our national perspectives to set the standards for building knowledge society.
- To continuously explore and follow best educational practices.
- To encourage respect and commitment towards the philosophy and spirit outlined in our Constitution.
Name of the Journal - | Samaj Jijnasa (Bilingual in Bengali & English) |
ISSN Number - | 2321- 158X Samaj Jijnasa / সমাজ জিজ্ঞাসা |
Scope and coverage of the journal - | Subjects including Sociology,Polithical Science, History,Econimics, Social Anthropology, Social Work and General Studies, etc. |
Medium of Publication - | Bilingual (Bengali & English) Articles contributed in Bengali will be preferred, provided that qualities are maintained. |
Nature of Publication- | Printed, Hard Copy (Also available online free after 3 months) |
Periodicity- | Annually ( By December Each year) |
Publisher - | Dr. Anil Kumar Jana Director and Secretary Vidyasagar Centre for Social Sciences,Midnapore F-4, Bidhan Nagar, P.O.Midnapore (721101) Dist: Midnapore West, West Bengal, India Contact Number: 9434414340 (M) Email > anilkjana.vu@gmail.com |
Period of Regular Publication - | Since, 2010 |
Charges / Donations levied from Contributors / authors - |
Provision for Complimentary Copies:- |
Yes (Reviewers, contributors, Libraries, NISCAIR etc.) |
Process of selection of manuscripts / articles,etc:- | Peer-Review System |
Website:- | www.samaj-jijnasa.in |
Professor Sobhanlal Duttagupta
Former Head and S.N Banerjee Chair Professor of Political Science
University of Calcutta.
email > sobhanlaldattagupta@gmail.com
Professor Samir Kumar Das
Professor and Head, Department of Political Science,University of Calcutta and
Former Vice-Chancellor, North Bengal University, West Bengal
email > samirdascu@gmail.com
Professor Apurba Kumar Mukhopadhyay
Former Professor of Political Science at Netaji Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata and former Head and Professor in Political Science, University of Burdwan
email > mukhopadhyayapurba@gmail.com
Professor Manas Kumar Chakrabarty
Former Head and Professor in Political Science
North Bengal University, West Bengal and
Emeritus Fellow in Political Science (UGC)
email > chakrabarty.manas@gmail.com
Professor Debi Chatterjee
Former Head and Professor in International Relations
Jadavpur University. West Bengal.
email > debichat@yahoo.com
Professor Ambarish Mukhopadhyay
Professor in Political Science with Rural Administration
Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal.
email > amukherji_01@yahoo.co.in
Professor Mohammad Shafi
Former Head and Professor in History
Rajshahi University. Bangladesh
email > shafinitu@gmail.com
Professor Balai Chandra Barui
Former Professor and Head of History, Kalyani University and
former Professor in History, Vidyasagar University, West Bengal
email > balaichandrabarui@yahoo.in
Professor Projit Palit
Professor of Hisory, Assam University, Silchar, Assam.
email > projitkumarpalit@gmail.com
Gautam Chando Roy
Associate Professor in History
Vidyasagar University, West Bengal
email > gautamchandoroy@gmail.com
Professor Swapan Kumar Pramanick
Former Professor in Sociology, University of Calcutta and former
Vice-Chancellor, Vidyasagar University, West Bengal.
email > swapankp@gmail.com
Professor S.A.H Moinuddin
Professor of Sociology
Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal
Professor Pranab Chatterjee
Professor of Economics
Viswa Bharati, West Bengal
email > pranab1955@yahoo.com
Professor Arup Kumar chattopadhyay
Former Head and Professor of Economics
University of Burdwan, West Bengal
email > arup.chatto@yahoo.co.in
Professor Santosh Kumar Pal
Head and Professor of Philosophy
University of Burdwan, West Bengal
email > palsantoshkbu@gmail.com
Professor Gautam Basu
Former Professor in International Relations
Jadavpur University, Kolkata and
Formerly Vice-Chancellor, MBB University, Agartala, Tripura
Professor Sankar Prasad Singha
Former Professor in English
Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal
email > sinhasankar@yahoo.co.in
Professor Prabir Kuamr De
Professor in Political Science
University of Kalyani, Kalyani, West Bengal
email > drprabir_de@rediffmail.com
Professor Sujata Sen
Former Professor in Sociology
University of Kalyani, Kalyani, West Bengal
email > sensuj.22@gmail.com
Professor Dipankar Sinha
Head & Professor in Political Science
University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal
email > sinhadipankar2007@gmail.com
Dr Sebak Kumar Jana
Head & Professor, Department of Economics
Vidyasagar University,WB
email : sebakjana@yahoo.co.in
[With effect from 2018]
Dr. Anil Kumar Jana
Former Head and Professor in Political Science
Vidyasagar University and Emeritus Fellow (UGC)
Midnapore, West Bengal.
Contact No: (M) 9434414340
email > anilkjana.vu@gamil.com
Professor Sankar Prasad Singha
Former Dean, Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor in English
Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal
email > sinhasankar@yahoo.co.in
Dr Sujaya Sarkar
Professor in History
Vidyasagr University, West Bengal
Contact No : (M) 9434455230
email > sujayasarkarvu@gmail.com
Dr Aparnita Bhattacharjee
Associate Professor in History
Midnapore College (Autonomous), West Bengal
Contact No : (M) 9734969379
email > aparnita.bhattacharjee@midnaporecollege.ac.in
Dr Sakti Pada Pal
Former Associate Professor in Political Science
(Kharagpur College, West Bengal ) Address: Bidhan Nagar, K 24 East End.
Contact No : 03222-261988 (M) 8637590061
email > saktipadapal325@gmail.com